web design interactive art and creative programming in Bordeaux

2Roqs is a resident of
La Fabrique Pola

La Fabrique Pola
10 Quai de Brazza


Recent works

Textopolis at VIA Festival, Mons

March 20th, 2014
Textopolis, a typographic animation fed by text messages sent by the public was exhibited in Mons ( Belgium ), as part as VIA festival and Mons 2015, European Capital of Culture.

2Roqs in MCD magazine

March 17th, 2014
An article published in edition #72 of MCD Magazine ( Music and digital cultures ) presents the digital works of studio 2Roqs from the social perspective.

Cordier Mestrezat Grands Crus

October 10th, 2013
The emblematic Cordier Mestrezat trading house has always been a watchword for excellence and innovation in the marketing of wines from the Grands Crus Classés.
To magnify the oenological thrills offered to its private visitors, Cordier Mestrezat has commissioned us to develop a surprising, innovative application that exploits the augmented reality technology to showcase prestigious collections of Bordeaux wines.

Entering postcards in 3D

June 21st, 2013
A gallery of ancient postcards in which one can "enter": this can been experienced at the new Tourist Office of Grand Villeneuvois. Three emblematic locations animated in 3D for an immersive travel back to the 1900's.


May 25th, 2013
Murmur is an interactive installation composed of an architectural prosthesis enabling the communication between passers-by and the wall upon which it is connected. It was unveiled during the «Nuit Numérique #10» in Reims in May 2013.

"Textopolis" and "Expression" at the Digital Week 2013

March 29th, 2013
The Digital Week of Bordeaux, 3rd edition, was
the occasion to exhibit two interactive art pieces. "Textopolis" was invited to animate the convention "La Grande Jonction" at H14, while "Expression" adorned the prestigious facade of the gardens of the town hall.

Osez Bordeaux | Animation live

February 26th, 2013
During a special event to which 500 influential companies' representatives attended, Bordeaux's mayor M Alain Juppé unveiled the name of the territorial brand Osez Bordeaux.
Commissioned to the visuals on the wide screen behind the speaker, we developed an animation based on handwriting and light painting thematics, that was live controlled throughout the event.

The secrets of Bordeaux bridges

November 1st, 2012
Facing the new bridge "Chaban-Delmas" in Bordeaux, an exhibition hosted by Cap Sciences presents the history and fabrication secrets of local and famous bridges.
In association with design studio Kubik, we developed a series of interactive screens, as well as an immersive application on a multitouch table.

Historical and interactive journey - Montmorin Castle

August 6th, 2012
In collaboration with graphic studio Cosmo Sapiens, we created an application for a multi-touch table set in the Montmorin Castle. Visitors are proposed a journey inside the castle history thanks to a system of navigation palets.

A-Urba - 33rd national meeting of urban planning agencies

July 9th, 2012
The theme chosen for this next meeting is "Encrypt and decrypt the cities". The event is organized by the Fnau and a-urba. We teamed up with the Bordeaux-based design agency Kubik in order to create a visual based on the interpretation of the geographic data of the 53 agencies.