“Expression(S)” - Interactive installations at The Green Night event

The french park called "Parc des Coteaux" covers the towns of Lormont, Floirac, Cenon, and Bassens, and includes no fewer than 10 landscaped parks which still remain unknown to inhabitants of Bordeaux and CUB. This art event was organized around the theme of "Revelation", offering artistic sensibilization and cultural approach to explore thoses many parks and their topographic settings.
Art accessible to all and the development of this urban park in a sustainable way are the objectives of this biennial. Many artists were present for the occasion and their works and performances, implanted to contribute to highlight natural spaces, and to reveal the landscaped area through an artistic awareness and convivial moments.
"Expression(S)" is a contextualization of the other creations of the studio ("Gravity" and "Expression") in natural areas which supported the theme of the Biennale, revealing the extent of the park in three places: the front of the Iris castle, the front of the wind turbine of Bassens and the trunks of trees of the Burthe Park. The public was invited to send SMS to this series of interactive installations.

Scenario - Contextualization
A message sent travels successively three exhibitions to be recomposed at last on a typographical fresco video-projected, as the synthesis of lexical messages sent throughout the event.
First, a message is received on the natural wall, traversing paths on the trunks of trees in the woods of Burthe Park. From the roots, the message climbs the trunks of trees to be transmitted on the second site, the wind turbine of Bassens.
Then, the message is literally dropped from the top of the wind turbine, and then each words interacts with the architecture and the other words, whose behavior is governed by the laws of physics.
Finally, once gone, the message is collected on the front of the Iris castle, a space that synthesizes the writings of everyone, all sent from the Parc des Coteaux.
Like other creations from the studio, this series studies, through SMS and typography, poetic interactions between the public and the architecture of each of the three sites.